Our program is designed to empower people, we belive in their skills to succeed and acknowledge the effort they put to have a better future.
This is a vision we share with our partner organisations in both Malaga and Cameroon who helped enabling the transformation of our participants' ideas from passion into reality that made a difference in their lives.
Here is a taste of what our founders sucess stories
Because football is my life I turned it into a business. In collaboration with Academia de futbol de catalunya, I train kids in my neighborhood in Cameroon, usually the ones who can't afford school, to play the game, and every five months the academy chooses players to join the main club's training in Spain. I'm too old to be in the game again, but my skills are qualified to train young talented kids.

I created a decorative LED light unit for gardening, housing purposes.
The increase in robbery in Cameroon during the night inspired me to design this unit. I collaborated with Andalusia technology park after we met in KAMTOK showcase event. They provided me with the needed technology to produce my design. KAMTOK is also helping me get interested staff to join my business.

My focus is in telecomunication. I have gained some experience over the past couple of years but I didn't know how to take it to the next step.
At KAMTOK I developed an app to link local independent services in Cameroon with people around to make it easy for both parties to find eachothers. My app design aims to create a comunity that is aware of the surrounding services, can easly find them, know more about what they sell and leave comments on that.